Lytham St Annes CA

Welcome to the Lytham St Annes Classical Association, the UK’s largest branch of the Classical Association. We organise monthly lectures, from September to April, exploring the history, art, culture, language and literature of ancient Rome, Greece and the Mediterranean. Membership, costing just £12 a year and £5 for students, gives you free admission to the seven lectures as well as other annual events. You can find out more about joining us here.


Half of the committee – Professor Michael Scott, with branch Secretary Jayne Kelly and Chair Katrina Kelly

The Lytham St Annes CA was founded in 2014 by local student Katrina Kelly – at 17, the youngest person ever to establish a branch – with the distinguished author, academic and broadcaster Professor Michael Scott as our President:

“Everyone I speak to who has visited has been bowled over by what the Lytham St Annes CA has managed to achieve. For me, I am most proud of what the association has decided to do on top of organising a fascinating lecture programme: its work to raise bursary funds for students to attend summer schools, developing a group of Classics ambassadors, supporting and encouraging students to reach for the stars and pursue their dreams, and more widely being a beacon for the study of the ancient world in the north. The Lytham St Annes CA is changing lives, at the same time as contributing to the community, and long may that continue. My sincerest thanks to you all for your continuing hard work, enthusiasm, good will and good humour. It is a pleasure and privilege to work with you all.”  Professor Michael Scott


A Special Selfie – celebrating a record breaking audience of 310 for Prof Scott’s Presidential Lecture!

Lectures are held at AKS Lytham, Clifton Drive South, Lancashire, FY8 1DT on Thursday evenings. Doors open at 6.15pm for refreshments and a chance to meet the lecturer, and talks begin at 7pm.  After a short question and answer session, meetings normally finish by 8:30pm. We are a really friendly branch and can always guarantee visitors a warm welcome, a great lecture and some lovely homemade cake!

There is a bookstall of second-hand classics and history books (donations are always welcome) and we hold a raffle at the end of each lecture. Previous raffle prizes include personally signed copies of bestselling books by our speakers and a ticket to be the guest at a meal with our President, Prof. Michael Scott. All proceeds go towards our Classics Summer School Bursary Fund.