
It costs just £12 a year to join the Association, or £5 for children and students. Membership entitles you to free entry to all seven lectures (non-members pay £5 a ticket), the AGM and Celebration Evening, our annual Classics Competition, and access to our Presidential Dinner. The LSA CA Virtual Book Club is free and open to all – please email for more info.

We offer both in-person and online access to most of our events. Members wanting to watch the content online will receive a link to the recorded lecture a few days after the event. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide a livestream of the event. Online only members can join for just £5 for the year.

We would love to welcome you as a member. To join the Association please download and complete a LSA CA Membership Form and send it to, bring it to one of our meetings or return by post to: The Treasurer, LSA CA, 34 Myra Road, Lytham St Annes, FY8 1EB. Payment can be made by BACS transfer and our bank details are on the form.

Membership forms are also always available at the lectures and you are welcome to join on the night. Please join before buying a ticket, thereby saving yourself £5 – the membership table will be on your right as you enter the venue.

Educational Membership

Individual students are very welcome to join the Association at just £5 a year (71p a lecture!) but we also offer a popular Educational Membership scheme which offers maximum flexibility for both students and teachers.

Schools may purchase any number of student memberships at £5 each which can be used by any students attending the lectures –  the memberships belong to the school rather than the individual student. There is one free teacher’s membership for every ten student memberships purchased. Thus, if a school purchases 20 student memberships at a cost of £100 for the year, then any 20 students may attend any lecture and  there will be free entry for two teachers. If needed, additional teachers memberships may also be purchased at £5 a year rather than £12.

You can download the LSA Classical Association Educational Membership form. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Secretary Jayne Kelly if you have any queries at